You can also search for a specific title across all listings:ĬAEN is available to assist College of Engineering faculty interested in exploring how software can be integrated into their courses. The following links provide listings of the software titles available for each operating system of the CLSE for the 2020-2021 academic year.

The license restrictions applied to applications are intended to give Michigan Engineering students access to the software they need for completing coursework and performing academic/non-commercial research. The software libraries bundled with the CLSE includes a large set of engineering-specific applications covering a wide range of disciplines, as well as tools for general productivity. The CLSE is available for the Microsoft Windows and Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms, and is designed to enable ease of use and enhance productivity for student academic work. The CAEN Lab Software Environment (CLSE) is the desktop computing experience for Michigan Engineering students using software on a CAEN computer.
CAEN also works with vendors to find academic software that students can install on their personal computers at no cost.

CAEN provides consultation services for faculty looking to integrate software into the CLSE for their courses.Listings of the software applications and any licensing restrictions for each platform are available on this website.